PicoCTF General Skills Walkthrought
PicoCTF is the fun, free way to learn and practice cybersecurity concepts, I found the challenges super beginner friendly, they start from really easy(5pts) to medium(400pts). In this article I wil...
PicoCTF is the fun, free way to learn and practice cybersecurity concepts, I found the challenges super beginner friendly, they start from really easy(5pts) to medium(400pts). In this article I wil...
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State Diagram for Server and Client Model Sockets: sockets are the endpoint used for connecting to a node. The signals required to implement the connection between two nodes are sent and received ...
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Writing this article is under progress, check again later
Writing this article is under progress, check again later
Hacking with python After getting into a target’s machine/server/device you may find yourself in a bit of a conundrum You will have no tools to execute attacks (compiler, netcat, wireshark) and no ...
push_swap push_swap is a sorting algorithm based on sorting two stacks with the least amount of moves. The allowed moves are: sa (swap a): Swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack a. sb...